
ADSL: Installation And Configuration

ADSL stands for Asymmetrical Digital Subscriber Line. It operates on copper line from telecom office to customer end.

Asymmetrical: The speed of transmission is not the same in both directions. The downstream (from network to consumer) speed can be as fast as ten times of upstream (from consumer to network). This coincides nicely with the requirements of internet access for the large amount of data down load.

Digital: ADSL modems (also known as CPE) operate on a bit stream, and are intended for carrying digital information between digital equipment such as PCs. In this respect they are no different from conventional modems.

Subscriber Line: ADSL operates over the subscriber’s normal telephone line to the local exchange. The telephone line can continue to be used for voice calls through the use of device called ‘splitters’ that separate the data and voice on the telephone line.

>> Simultaneous broadband and phone services over a single line without interference.
>> Uninterrupted, high-speed internet access that’s always on-line.
>>Cost-effective solutions for residential customers, telecommuters and small businessess.
>>Data security that exceeds other technologies.

Installation Procedures
Step 1: Disconnect your telephone line from distribution point inside your house.

Step 2: Connect it to the input of splitter.

Step 3: Connect DSL modem in the splitter interface marked ‘modem’ with R-j11 connecter.

Step 4: connect your telephone set in the splitter interface marked ‘phone’/

Step 5: The computers are connected with RJ 45 or USB interface to connect to the DSL modem.

Step 6 : To check if your ADSL line is working, the ADSL led will first blink and then glow continuously after you connect your modem /CPE to the phone line.

Step 7: Then create the PPPoE Dial UP connection.

Step 8: Because ADSL can be used for broadband access and involves a wide range of multimedia services, you are recommended to use a computer with such configurations:

(Recently most of the computers has the minimum requirements though I am mentioning these, You can also skip this small section and jump to ADSL Modem Configuration)
# Shall be equipped with the 10M/100M Ethernet adapter or USB 1.1 or higher interface
# Shall support the TCP/IP protocol
# CPU above Pentium III, 128 M memory, 10 G hard disk, graphic accelerating adapter with above 2M displays memory, audio adapter and sound box.

ADSL Modem (CPE) Configuration:
After Purchasing CPE (ADSL 2+ Modem), Clients are requested to go through its manual thoroughly.
Browse the web management page of your ADSL modem. For example, if your modem management interface IP Address is
Enter in your browser.
Provide admin username and password of your modem.
(Note: Clients are extremely encouraged to go through their Modem/CPE manual to get information like IP address, Admin username and Password).
Generally, Modem/CPE can be used in Routing Mode or Bridge Mode.

 $ 1 $ Routing Mode
In this mode, modem dials with username and password provided by the service provider. You have to explicitly provide username and password to your modem configuration. In this mode same Modem can be used to share Internet connection to multiple computers.

Configuration Parameters for Routing Mode
VPI ---8
VCI ---81
Encapsulation --- PPPOE/LLC
Authentication --- CHAP
Username—Provided by Service Provider
Password ---Provide by service Provider
Providing these information should establish connection between Modem and DSLAM
Rx/Tx counters should start to increase

Note: One does not need to create a dial up or dial while using routing mode. Modem will dial itself.

$2$ Bridge Mode
In this mode your computer dials with username and password provided by Service Provider. This mode is mainly used to connect internet for a single computer.
Configuration parameters for Bridge Mode
Select Bridge Mode
Encapsulation --- LLC
VPI ---8
VCI--- 81
Authentication --- CHAP

Configuration for XP
# Go to network connection wizard window
# Choose Make Internet dialup connection
# Choose manual option
# Choose xdsl PPPoe service
# Provide service name
# Username: Provided by service provider
#Password: Provided by service provider
Now dial with the account created
You are now surfing the Internet.

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Forgot Windows 7 password: NO PROBLEM

When you fresh install windows, it’s probable that you might forgot your password. Or in order to keep the password strong with the combination of numbers, letters and symbols, its probable to forget the password.

I shall describe the procedure for changing the password with command prompt without knowing the previous password.

Step1: During the starting of the windows, continuously press F8.

Step2: From the boot options, choose safe mode with command prompt.

Step3: In the command prompt, type “net user” and press Enter. It shows the available user list in the computer.

Step4: Consider a user “guest” exists. So in order to change the password for the user, “poozan”, Type “net user guest your_ password”. And press Enter. Note that while typing in command prompt, you excape the inverted quote. The password can be anything. Here is 123
This is done. Now, reboot your system and login with the new set password. 
To disable the password, simply replace the password field with double quote (“”) and press Enter.

While you are in windows admin, you can also change your password as your desire. This time you have to rum cmd as administrator. In windows 7, follow this procedure:
Click on start.
In the search box, type cmd.
On the result, Right click and click to run as administrator as below.

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Choosing A Good Domain Name

Choosing a domain name for your site is one of the most important steps towards creating the perfect internet presence. If you run an on-line business, picking a name that will be marketable and achieve success in search engine placement is paramount. Many factors must be considered when choosing a good domain name. This article summarizes all the different things to consider before making that final registration step!

Short and Sweet
Domain names can be really long or really short (1 - 67 characters). In general, it is far better to choose a domain name that is short in length. The shorter your domain name, the easier it will be for people remember. Remembering a domain name is very important from a marketability perspective. As visitors reach your site and enjoy using it, they will likely tell people about it. And those people may tell others, etc. As with any business, word of mouth is the most powerful marketing tool to drive traffic to your site (and it's free too!). If your site is long and difficult to pronounce, people will not remember the name of the site and unless they bookmark the link, they may never return.

Consider Alternatives
Unless a visitor reaches your site through a bookmark or a link from another site, they have typed in your domain name. Most people on the internet are terrible typists and misspell words constantly. If your domain name is easy to misspell, you should think about alternate domain names to purchase. For example, if your site will be called "", you should also consider buying "" and "". You should also secure the different top level domain names besides the one you will use for marketing purposes ("", "", etc.) You should also check to see if there are existing sites based on the misspelled version of the domain name you are considering. "" may be available, but "" may be home to a graphic pornography site. You would hate for a visitor to walk away thinking you were hosting something they did not expect.

Also consider domain names that may not include the name of your company, but rather what your company provides. For example, if the name of your company is Mike's Tools, you may want to consider domain names that target what you sell. For example: "" or "". Even though these example alternative domain names do not include the name of your company, it provides an avenue for visitors from your target markets. Remember that you can own multiple domain names, all of which can point to a single domain. For example, you could register "", "", and "" and have "" and "" point to "".

Hyphens: Your Friend and Enemy
Domain name availability has become more and more scant over the years. Many single word domain names have been scooped up which it makes it more and more difficult to find a domain name that you like and is available. When selecting a domain name, you have the option of including hyphens as part of the name. Hyphens help because it allows you to clearly separate multiple words in a domain name, making it less likely that a person will accidentally misspell the name. For example, people are more likely to misspell "" than they are "". Having words crunched together makes it hard on the eyes, increasing the likelihood of a misspelling. On the other hand, hyphens make your domain name longer. The longer the domain name, the easier it is for people to forget it altogether. Also, if someone recommends a site to someone else, they may forget to mention that each word in the domain name is separated by a hyphen. If do you choose to leverage hyphens, limit the number of words between the hyphens to three. Another advantage to using hyphens is that search engines are able to pick up each unique word in the domain name as key words, thus helping to make your site more visible in search engine results.

Dot What?
There are many top level domain names available today including .com, .net, .org, and .biz. In most cases, the more unusual the top level domain, the more available domain names are available. However, the .com top level domain is far and away the most commonly used domain on the internet, driven by the fact that it was the first domain extension put to use commercially and has received incredible media attention. If you cannot lay your hands on a .com domain name, look for a .net domain name, which is the second most commercially popular domain name extension.

Long Arm of the Law
Be very careful not to register domain names that include trademarked names. Although internet domain name law disputes are tricky and have few cases in existence, the risk of a legal battle is not a risk worth taking. Even if you believe your domain name is untouchable by a business that has trademarked a name, do not take the chance: the cost of litigation is extremely high and unless you have deep pockets you will not likely have the resources to defend yourself in a court of law. Even stay away from domain names in which part of the name is trademarked: the risks are the same.

Search Engines and Directories
All search engines and directories are different. Each has a unique process for being part of the results or directory listing and each has a different way of sorting and listing domain names. Search engines and directories are the most important on-line marketing channel, so consider how your domain name choice affects site placement before you register the domain. Most directories simply list links to home pages in alphabetical order. If possible, choose a domain name with a letter of the alphabet near the beginning ("a" or "b"). For example, "" will come way above "". However, check the directories before you choose a domain name. You may find that the directories you would like be in are already cluttered with domain names beginning with the letter "a". Search engines scan websites and sort results based on key words. Key words are words that a person visiting a search engine actually searches on. Having key words as part of your domain name can help you get better results.

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A Web Standards Checklist, How to make a proper website

The term web standards can mean different things to different people. For some, it is 'table-free sites', for others it is 'using valid code'. However, web standards are much broader than that. A site built to web standards should adhere to standards (HTML, XHTML, XML, CSS, XSLT, DOM, MathML, SVG etc) and pursue best practices (valid code, accessible code, semantically correct code, user-friendly URLs etc).

In other words, a site built to web standards should ideally be lean, clean, CSS-based, accessible, usable and search engine friendly.

About the checklist
This is not an uber-checklist. There are probably many items that could be added. More importantly, it should not be seen as a list of items that must be addressed on every site that you develop. It is simply a guide that can be used:
* to show the breadth of web standards
* as a handy tool for developers during the production phase of websites
* as an aid for developers who are interested in moving towards web standards

The checklist
1. Quality of code
.. Does the site use a correct Doctype?
.. Does the site use a Character set?
.. Does the site use Valid (X)HTML?
.. Does the site use Valid CSS?
.. Does the site use any CSS hacks?
.. Does the site use unnecessary classes or ids?
.. Is the code well structured?
.. Does the site have any broken links?
.. How does the site perform in terms of speed/page size?
.. Does the site have JavaScript errors?

2. Degree of separation between content and presentation
.. Does the site use CSS for all presentation aspects (fonts, colour, padding, borders etc)?
.. Are all decorative images in the CSS, or do they appear in the (X)HTML?

3. Accessibility for users
.. Are "alt" attributes used for all descriptive images?
.. Does the site use relative units rather than absolute units for text size?
.. Do any aspects of the layout break if font size is increased?
.. Does the site use visible skip menus?
.. Does the site use accessible forms?
.. Does the site use accessible tables?
.. Is there sufficient colour brightness/contrasts?
.. Is colour alone used for critical information?
.. Is there delayed responsiveness for dropdown menus (for users with reduced motor skills)?
.. Are all links descriptive (for blind users)?

4. Accessibility for devices
.. Does the site work acceptably across modern and older browsers?
.. Is the content accessible with CSS switched off or not supported?
.. Is the content accessible with images switched off or not supported?
.. Does the site work in text browsers such as Lynx?
.. Does the site work well when printed?
.. Does the site work well in Hand Held devices?
.. Does the site include detailed metadata?
.. Does the site work well in a range of browser window sizes?

5. Basic Usability
.. Is there a clear visual hierarchy?
.. Are heading levels easy to distinguish?
.. Does the site have easy to understand navigation?
.. Does the site use consistent navigation?
.. Are links underlined?
.. Does the site use consistent and appropriate language?
.. Do you have a sitemap page and contact page? Are they easy to find?
.. For large sites, is there a search tool?
.. Is there a link to the home page on every page in the site?
.. Are visited links clearly defined with a unique colour?

6. Site management
.. Does the site have a meaningful and helpful 404 error page that works from any depth in the site?
.. Does the site use friendly URLs?
.. Do your URLs work without "www"?
.. Does the site have a favicon?

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